
Friday, June 7, 2013

We all know that the people of the world

We all know that the people of the world  do not have enough to eat. But are we aware of the fact that they do not have enough to drink either? This will sound very strange because three-fourths of the earth surface is covered with water. But about ninety-seven per cent of it is salty water. So, man can drink only three percent of the total water on the earth’s surface. This water is fresh and it comes from various sources. But a part of this water is not usable because it is in the form of ice-bergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it is too polluter to be drunk.
However, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replenished by rainfall, is serving our purpose just somehow. But our need for water is increasing  almost everyday. If  we take immediate steps to deal with this problem, we shall be able to avoid a severe worldwide water shortage in the near future. With the expansion of  industries, our need for ordinary water is also increasing rapidly. One example will make the whole thing clear. It takes about 91,000  liters of water to produce a single ton of steel.

Wasting of precious water must be stopped. One of the first ways to achieve it is to develop ways of re-using water Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. The systems that have been worked out resemble those used in a space-craft.

Raiyan has always been keen to visit interesting places. He goes to various places every year with his parents. This year, he has decided to avail himself of a couple of  tours offered by the Parjatan Corporation to spots in and around Dhaka. With this end in view. Raiyan went to the office of  Parjatan Corporation and collected all the information regarding the trip. He come to know about the cost and the schedules of the trips. He also knew about the food and entertainment facilities offered by the organigers.

Only three percent of the surface water isdrinkable. But a part of it is not usable because of its form of ice-bergs  and glaciers. Besides, some of this water is so polluted that we cannot drink it. So, to meet the increasing demand of fresh water and to face a worldwide water crisis, we must come forward. We must stop wastage of water and develop ways of rusing water.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Everyone lives by selling something.

It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. In the light of the statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.
Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. A tramp is a person with no fixed home or occupation and he always wanders from place to place. Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not bggars. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.
A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but he is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. His few material possessins make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease.
By having to sleep in the open sky he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. He may hunt, beg, or steal occasionally to keep him free. We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of  life and their freedom from care.
Tramps seem to be different from all other people who earn their living because they have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. Tramps are different from beggars because beggars ask for pity to others but tramps do not sacrifice their human dignity.
Tramps can move from place to place with eace because they do not have many things to carry. A tramp depends upon his few material possessions to keep himself alive. Some of us may feel a little envious of  trams for their simple way of  life and their freedom from care.
Tramps are the persons who have no fixed home or occupation. They just wander from one place ot another. They are free from the anxiety and all sorts of worry. They sleep under the open sky which is very close to the nature. But, we  often put them in the same class as beggars which we should not do any more.

Adoption of unfair means in the examination.

Adoption of  unfair means in the examination is not a new phenomenon in our country. It is one of the signs of other degenerating conditions existing in out society. By adopting unfair means a student frustrates the very purpose of the examination. Unfair means in examination does not simply mean copying from books etc. Inside the hall. It includes any sort of malpractice in or outside the hall to succeed in the examination. Scholars say the effective education system is mainly responsible for this. Merely committing to memory and vomiting it in the examination halls cannot determine the merit of a student. So, the very system of education should be changed. A modern and mass-oriented education should be introduced. The syllabus should be up to the sbility of  the students. Education authorities should see that proper education is imparted to the students. Unfairmeans in and outside the hall must be checked with appropriateness and strictness. Above all the government, the teachers, the guardians, the students, the intellectuals, the politicians and all the conscious sections of the country should come forward to tackle the problem.
Raju cannot do well in his examination approaches. On the other hand, Rimon always makes a good result because he makes notes himself, memorises them and writes them again and again. He has good command over English. He always tries to understand what he reads. Rahu goes to Rimon to seek his advice how to make a good result in the examination.
Unfair means includes all sorts of malpractices in and outside the examination hall. It is an old phenomenon which frustrated the very purpose of examination and shows degenerating condition. It is due to the defective education system. So, a modern people oriented education system should be introduced. besides, a concerted effort would be able to remove the problem of unfair means in the exams.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

First Nobel Prizes

Nobel Prizes are awarded every year for outstanding achievements in the fields of science, literature and for promoting world peace. Under this prizes, the prize winner gets a gold medal, a certificate and a large sum of money.
The Nobel Prize is the world's most important prize. This prize is given to persons with most outstanding contributions in six fields, namely, physicxs, chemistry, literature, physiology or medicxine, peace and economics. Economics was added in the list in 1969 for the first time. One prize is awarded in each field. Of there are more than one recxipient of the prize in one field, the prize money is equally distrebuted amongst all the winners.
This prize was instituted by a man who was the inventor of the sxciencxe of destruction. This scxientist was Alfred Bernard Nobel. He was born in Stockholm on 21st October, 1833 and he died on 10th December, 1896.
Though he was a citizen of Sweden, he was educxated in Russia. He invented dynamite. This material is widely used for breaking rocks, digging petrol wells and in wars. For his valuable discovery, Nobel became famous all over the world. He earned a huge sum of money from selling it.
At the time of his death in 1896, he left behind a fabulous sum of 90,00,000 dollars. He left a will indicxating that the interest on this money should be given as prizes to persons for their outstanding cxontributions to physicxs, cxhemistry, medicine, literature and peace. This prize was named as Nobel Prize. The first Nobel Prize was given to Rontgen of 10th December 1901 for his outstanding research in X-rays. The prize money was 40,000 dollars. The winners of this prize are treated with great respect all over the world. Sujan has heard andreada lot about Nobel winner Rabindranath Tagore. But he does not know what the word 'Nobel' actually refers to. So, one day he asked his friends about it. There he learnt that the Nobel Prize is the world's most important prize Alfred Bernard Nobel of Sweden instituted it.
He invented dynamite and made a huge sum of money selling it. When he died in 1896, he left behind a huge amount of 90,00,000 dollars to give prizes to the most important persons in some specific fields. The prize mpney is provided from the interest of that huge amount. Every year it is given to the persons who make important contributions to physics, chemistry, literature, medicine, peace and economics. In 1913 this prize was given to Rabindranath Tagore for his outstanding contributions in Literature.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Great Associates Companions Help

The best way of knowing a man is to know what company he keeps.: A thief associates with a thief and a saint with a saint. Righteousness can have no fellowship with unrighteousness. Light can have no connection with darkness and a believer, with an infidel. Fire and water have a natural affinity to their own kind and a natural aversion for each other. Water is attracted by water and two drops merging together will readily become one, but when fire and water meet together they destroy each other. Tigers and deer, serpents and mongooses, lambs and wolves, lions and whales never voluntarily associate with each other. Light and darkness can never unite. Men of similar tastes and habits unite with each other and become friends.
Therefore a man’s character, opinions, tastes and temper may be fairly changed by the company he lives in. Birds of the same feather flock together. If a policeman is to detect a thief or a felon where will he search for him?
He will, no doubt, search for him among the hunts of wickedness since the police knows that a thief can be nowhere but among thieves. A man is never so happy as when he finds himself in the company of those who are what he is.
One should exercise great care in the choice of one’s companions. Our happiness or misery depends upon this choice. If a good man mixes with those who are bad and wicked, he is sure to lose his character, whereas if a bad man comes in contact with the good and the virtuous, he will soon be one of them. It should, therefore, be the earnest endeavour of everyone to secure a good company since it is only there that character can be preserved and improved. It is the company on which the structure of a man’s career is built.
Naymee’s father took him to task yesterday for keeping bad company. At first it hurt him too much. But his father told him that bad company is the root of failure in life. He informed him that the best way of knowing a man is to know what company he keeps. A man’s character, opinions, tastes and temper may be fairly changed by the company he lives in. So, everybody should exercise great care in the choice of companions. Rabi got the point and decided to avoid bad company.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Lion Powerful Animals

The lion is the strongest and most powerful of the wild animals: It is a ferocious animal, too. It is regarded as the symbol of power and strength in all the countries in the world. We often hear strong and courageous people being referred to as “lion-hearted”. Also, the figure of the lion, as a symbol of strength, is engraved on many shielded awarded to players. Even the national flags of some countries carry the picture of a lion. The ancient Egyptians believed the lion to be a sacred animal.
It is generally believed that the lion is the most powerful animal in the jungle. It is called the ‘king of the beasts’, because it attacks so swiftly that the victim does not get any time to defend itself. It attacks animals bigger than itself like giraffes and wild buffaloes from behind and then tears them apart with the help of its powerful paws and teeth. They often hunt as a team. Lions were found in many parts of Europe some 2000 years ago, but gradually they were wiped off. New they are found only in the jungles of Africa and North-West India. A few, not more than 200, live in India’s Gir forest.
The lion is a carnivorous animal which kills wild animals and lives on their flesh. It is a member of the cat family. The average length of an adult lion is about three metres and its weight varies from 180 to 225 kilograms. The female species of the lion is smaller in size and does not have mane.
The lioness generally hunts and kills the prey. Unlike the cat, it cannot climb trees. Lions can be domesticated and we can see them in the circus performing tricks. Lions have an average life-span of 20 to 30 years.
It  is genarally believed that the lion is the most powerful animal in the jungle. It is called the ‘king of the beasts’, because it attacks so swiftly that the victim does not get any time to defend it itself. It attacks animals bigger than itself like giraffes and wild buffaloes from behind and tears them apart with the help of its powerful paws and teeth.
They often hunt as a team. Lions were found in many parts of Europe some 2000 years ago, but gradually they were wiped off. Now they are found only in the jungles of Africa and North-West India. A few, not more than 200, live in India’s Gir forest.
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